jueves, 23 de abril de 2015



In phonology we have studied the sound of the words. In Phonology we have phonemes, the smallest unit of a sound, word stress, sentence stress, and intonation. To have accuracy and fluency in English we have to put in practice those things.  Because, it is important to distinguish the sound between words, how we have to pronounce it correctly and also where we have to make and stress. Because there some vowel sound that disappear for example in the word important which is pronounced as a schwa.  Intonation is another important feature because in this way speaker changes the level of their voice to show meaning. In this part we have to linked some words that end in consonant with the words that start with vowel. Also we say parts of the sentence with more or less stress, (sentence stress) in a sentence we can have primary stress and secondary stress. I can use it when I am reading, speaking because it shows how much we know about the language. And when we are teaching is our responsibility to teach students the language in the correct way, not fossilizing then with wrong pronunciation and if we are not sure about the pronunciation of a word we can ask for help in order to give the right answer to our students.


2 comentarios:

  1. i agree anita with you phonology is what help us to read and speaking because phonology help us to pronounce weel the words.

  2. I agree with you in the part that you suggest that we must avoid fossilisation. because it is a bog probllem that some teahcers used to to and unfortunately students learn in that wrong way.
