domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015


“A learner-centered approach starts from the belief that the learner is at the center of the learning process and not the syllabus and as such they are self-directed equals in the learning process along with tutors, organizers and funders.  It is holistic in that it attends to the whole person and values their life’s experiences as valuable prior learning.”
As a result of this definition, it is noticeable that:

  • The learning atmosphere is welcoming, encouraging, engaging and supportive. The learning is about meeting needs and interests, it is flexible and responsive and based on an assumption that the learners knows best
  • There is a real partnership between tutor and learners in designing and delivering the courses
  • The tutor, the organizers and funders are open, caring and engage learners. The learners are listened to, have an input into content and process and exercise choice
  • A learner-centered approach starts where the learners are at, supports them to negotiate content and makes use of self-evaluation. 
In conclusion I can say that SCL needs to change in both in focus from what is taught to how and why it is taught, and also from thinking about teacher performance to student learning. Such a shift in looking at and defining learning not only requires a change in mindset of academics, students and management bodies in higher education, but also depends on a number of conditions which may be required for the success of the application of the SCL approach. 

Blumberg, P. (n.d.). Retrieved from

program, l. l. (n.d.). Retrieved from

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

RESPONDING TO RESISTANCE "Laerner centered approach"

Learner-centered teaching is an approach to teaching that is increasingly being encouraged in higher education. Learner-centered teachers do not employ a single teaching method. This approach emphasizes a variety of different types of methods that shifts the role of the instructors from givers of information to facilitating student learning.

Learner centered aproaches requires more work for teachers in the desing phase, but also it means more work for students because they have to work in learning tasks generating examples of the topic they are studying. Which is excelent because students learn what is the process to generate examples and also because they receive feedback and guidance from teacher. As a result they can obtain good examples for each task.
Moreover, students resist to this aproach because they are afraid of the things they have to do or the rules they have to follow in classroom. 


  Speaking is a productive skill, which involves using speech to communicate meanings to other people. When we speak we pronounce words, answer questions, use intonation,  ask for clarification or explanation when something is not clear, we use appropriate register, we use word and sentence stress, we use facial expressions to let people understand what we want to say or maybe we can paraphrase it. Beside, speaking involves several subskills like  the  use of the grammar, vocabulary, and functions. These factors help to use the register  appropriately. 
 Features such as connected speech, use body language, producing different text types, oral fluency, and self-correction are involved for only one reason to communicate meaning. Teacher should use speaking activities in classroom because it helps students to develop the speaking skill but we can focus on particular aspects of speaking, e.g fluency, pronunciation, register, grammatical accuracy, body language, etc. The best way to do it is thought controlled practice activities (Gakonga) , we can use drills, and we can organize activities to work in small teams to do vocab games. Speaking activities (link) often follow the same pattern: Lead-in, practice activities, and post-task activities.


Gakonga, J. (n.d.). youtube. Retrieved from

link, a. (n.d.). youtube. Retrieved from


          Listening is a receptive skill (English) because it involves responding to language rather than producing it. Listening involves understanding spoken language which is different from written language. In written language we use punctuation, logical sequence, and almost always we use exact vocabulary and more complex grammar. While in spoken language we use stress, intonation, and sometimes connected speech to make our spoken language more fluent. It is important that the speaker uses body language (gestures/ facial expressions) to support his/her communication. It is not well organized if it contains interruptions or hesitations because it shows that you are not sure about what to say how to say it. Furthermore, listening involves understanding different speeds of speech and accent. When we apply listening in classroom we should give the opportunity to listen to many sources of spoken language so students will be familiar because there are exposed to the language, so they can hear different accents, speed of delivery, and text types. We can find interesting activities  (lessons) to use with them, but it must be according their level. For example:  you can use listening lesson that can help your students feel confortable with the language and at the same time they will have the oportunity to deelop listening skill. 

English, C. A. (n.d.). youtube. Retrieved from
lessons, l. (n.d.). 5 minute english. Retrieved from 5 minute english:

martes, 28 de abril de 2015


“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” 

In this unit I have reviewed and learned something else about writing. We have to know that writing is a productive skill. So in teaching writing we have some aproaches like Producct Aproach: in this aproach teachers focus on the final piece of writing. This aproach was criticized because it ignores tha actual processes used by students to produce a piece of writing. The process approach: it enphasizes revision, and feedback from others so students may produce many drafts to be sure about their writing. The procedure is: prewriting, composing/ drafting, revising, and editing. Here you have more information:
"The writing process by Pow Toon"

The stages are recursive (nonlinear) and they can iteract with each other during the writing process. The genre aproch: this aproach is very important because students could be benifit from studing different types of writing texts. The process genre model: this model is very important because it helps us to recognize that we need to combine the aproaches results to apply them in a better way.
Moreover, the subskills of writing that we choose to teach should be according our students' age and need. When we want to do an activity with our students is necesary to encourage them to think about the reason for writing, what they want to say and how. In conclusion the activities that we want to apply should be according our students level. But it should be previously planned to work in an effective way.


Toon, p. (2014, 01 11). youtube. Retrieved from


                           Through reading you can improve your knowledge in some fields.

In this unit we have remembered important things about reading. Reading is a receptive skill - through it we receive information. In reading we have three strategies that can help us to understand better the text. Scanning (specific information), Skimming (general idea), and Reading for detail.

Furthermore, there are two types of reading: INTENSIVE READING (reading for detailed information). The purposes are: to study grammar, infer meaning, discourse marks. The process that we have to follow are Pre-reading (create interest), Reading (silent reading), Post reading (check comprehension). The other type is EXTENSIVE READING (fir gist), the purpose is to have fluency and enjoyment, we can apply this in groups or individually. Also because it lets students increase their vocabulary, teacher should use different kinds of reading according students level.

Here you have more information about reading. 

Seven Strategies to Teach Students Text Comprehension.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015



 Every time we speak or write is because of a reason or a purpose. So here we have some examples of functions: apologizing, greeting, clarifying, inviting, advising, agreeing, etc. Here we have more explanation: 

                                    "Language Function by Williams Jennifer"

In this part I have learned that when we describe the function of the language we focus in how it is used. We have three different ways to describe the language: context (the situations). Exponent (what we say). And the function (asking, suggesting, or thanking someone). There are three functions of the language and each function depends on the context. We have formal (more socially distant) neutral, when we want to show neither great respect nor to much informality and informal (it is more socially casual). So I can practice formal, informal and neutral language in every day but according to our purpose and according to the situation because we should use the language properly.

Williams, J. C. (s.f.). language functions. Obtenido de youtube: